The new year has started and I am excited to set some intentions for myself and my family. This year I have decided to make my alignment a top priority. I know in theory that alignment trumps everything. I know that all good things start with alignment and I know that being in the state of alignment is not a given, it is a conscious choosing that we need to do moment by moment.
Yet in the last few months I let the things that I want that are not here yet in my life, become the reason for my resistance.
Resistance is the opposite of alignment.
When you are aligned, you feel good. You feel joy and this warm fuzzy feeling in your heart.
When you resist, you feel anxious, stressed, sad, upset or frustrated.
If that sounds familiar then join me in starting this new year with the firm intention to prioritize our alignment over anything else.
For me, I feel aligned when I give permission to myself to enjoy the good life that I have instead of feeling guilty that I have the good life. For me, I feel aligned when I share my message with the world, for the passion I feel for the Law of Attraction rather than to attract more business for my practice.
For me, I feel aligned when I focus on all the abundance I have attracted in my life rather than having a limiting belief that it should only come from a particular source like my own personal income.
I feel aligned when I stay in the present with my children and watch them thrive in their lives. I feel aligned when I exercise. I feel aligned when I look after myself.
I feel aligned when I meditate.
For you, your alignment would be as unique as you are. Find ways to feel aligned. Become aware of your resistance. And then re focus on what gives you joy and find a way to feel aligned. Get rid of tolerations. Surround yourself with positive people and positive messages. Simplify your life. Don't let money problems, health issues, relationship problems and the likes keep you from being aligned. It is by being aligned that you will become a match to solutions, opportunities, love and appreciation.
This is my intention for myself and for you in 2018. The outcome of being aligned and prioritizing your inner world over your outer chaos is that you will have the best year of your life so far.
This is my intention for you.
All you have to do is start each day reminding your self that you will stay aligned ( At peace, happy, excited, joyful) through the day. There are many surprises that await you this year. They are all lined up to delight you this year. But you have to be in the receiving mode. And when you are aligned, you are in the receiving mode.
It is in your hands whether you resist or invite all the amazing things that 2018 has in store for you. Get aligned to the best year of your life. I know I am.
Write to me if you have any questions about how to get aligned in your own personal situation. You can connect with me at nikky@happydayscoaching.com